Products Adobe Reader
Adobe Acrobat Viewer

Download Acrobat Viewer
Select your platform below and follow the steps to install Adobe® Acrobat® Viewer (version 1.1, English only) for a Java™ Virtual Machine. Refer to the FAQ, ReadMe, and Electronic End-User License Agreement for more information on installation, known issues, and licensing.

Note: These downloadable versions are intended to only be run as an application. Adobe will not provide any technical support for Acrobat Viewer.

JavaBean interface
Acrobat Viewer can be licensed for free to be bundled with Java-related products, or integrated into custom Java solutions through the JavaBean interface. Download the Acrobat Viewer JavaBean interface.

Acrobat Viewer for Windows
Acrobat Viewer for Macintosh
Acrobat Viewer for Sun Solaris
Acrobat Viewer for UNIX
Acrobat Viewer for OS/2
Acrobat Viewer for other Java-enabled platforms
Acrobat Viewer for Windows
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Windows Format
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3.2 MB
Installation notes

1. Install the Java Virtual Machine, if you have not already done so. The recommended Virtual Machine for Windows® is JRE 1.1.8 (or later), or the Microsoft® VM. Download the Microsoft VM from Microsoft Corporation for free.
2. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

Note: If you use the Sun JRE, increase the maximum size of the memory allocation pool to 32 MB.

Handling notes

After downloading a ".exe" file in Windows, double-click on the ".exe" file to access the file's contents.

System requirements
i486™ or Pentium® processor-based personal computer
Microsoft® Windows® 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT® 4.0 with Service Pack 3 or later
32 MB of RAM
5 MB of available hard-disk space
Acrobat Viewer for Macintosh
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MacBinary Format
Download From the U.S.A.
Download From Japan
3.1 MB
Installation notes

1. The recommended Virtual Machine for Macintosh is Mac OS Runtime for Java (MRJ) version 2.1.2 or later. Download MRJ from Apple Computer for free.
2. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

When the Photoshop Elements beta program installer finishes, select the option to view the ReadMe file for more details about the program and support information.

Handling notes

After downloading a ".bin" file on a Macintosh, double-click the ".bin" file. Or use StuffIt Expander by Allume Systems, Inc. (831-761-6200, to access the file's contents. StuffIt Expander is available as a freeware product.

System requirements
Apple Power Macintosh or compatible computer
Mac OS software version 7.6.1 or later
32 MB of RAM
5 MB of available hard-disk space
Acrobat Viewer for Sun Solaris
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Shell archive
Download From the U.S.A.
Download From Japan
2.8 MB
Installation notes

1. The recommended Java Virtual Machine for Sun and UNIX platforms is Java RunTime Environment (JRE) version 1.1.8 (or later). Download JRE for free from Sun Microsystems.
2. After downloading the file, open a shell and cd to the directory where you downloaded the installer.
3. At the prompt type: sh./viewersol.bin

Note: If you use the Sun JRE, increase the maximum size of the memory allocation pool to 32 MB.

System requirements
Sun™ Solaris™ 2.3 or later
32 MB of RAM
5 MB of available hard-disk space
Acrobat Viewer for UNIX
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Shell archive
Download From the U.S.A.
Download From Japan
2.8 MB
Installation notes

1. The recommended Java Virtual Machine for Sun and UNIX platforms is Java RunTime Environment (JRE) version 1.1.8 (or later). Download JRE for free from Sun Microsystems.
2. After downloading the file, open a shell and cd to the directory where you downloaded the installer.
3. At the prompt type: sh./viewer.bin

Note: If you use the Sun JRE, increase the maximum size of the memory allocation pool to 32 MB.

System requirements
32 MB of RAM
5 MB of available hard-disk space
Acrobat Viewer for OS/2
Download software now
Zip archive
Download From the U.S.A.
Download From Japan
2.8 MB
Installation notes

1.The recommended Virtual Machine for OS/2 is Java 1.1.6 (or later). Download Java from IBM Corporation for free.
2. In a console window, change to the directory where you downloaded to before running the installer. Note: Your operating system may invoke Java in a different way.
3. After downloading the file, type:
jre -cp
or, java install

System requirements
i386, i486, Pentium, or Pentium Pro processor-based personal computer
IBM OS/2 Warp or Warp Connect 3.0 or later (IBM OS/2 Warp 4.0 recommended)
32 MB of RAM
5 MB of available hard-disk space
Acrobat Viewer for other Java-enabled platforms
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Zip archive
Download From the U.S.A.
Download From Japan
2.8 MB
Installation notes

1.The recommended Java Virtual Machine for Sun and UNIX platforms is Java RunTime Environment (JRE) version 1.1.8 (or later). Download JRE for free from Sun Microsystems.
2. In a console window, change to the directory where you downloaded the .zip file before running the installer Note: Your operating system may invoke Java in a different way.
3. To start the installer, add to your CLASSPATH, then start the main class of the installer named install.
4. After downloading the file, type:
jre -cp install
jre -classpath [path to] install

for sh-like shells, type:
cd [to directory where is located]
CLASSPATH=[path to]
java install

for csh-like shells, type:
cd [to directory where is located]
setenv CLASSPATH [path to]
java install

Acrobat Viewer for JavaBeans
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Windows Format
Download From the U.S.A.
Download From Japan
1.6 MB
MacBinary Format
Download From the U.S.A.
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1.6 MB
TAR Solaris archive
Download From the U.S.A.
Download From Japan
1.6 MB
TAR UNIX archive
Download From the U.S.A.
Download From Japan
1.6 MB
Zip OS/2 archive
Download From the U.S.A.
Download From Japan
1.6 MB
JAR archive
Download From the U.S.A.
Download From Japan
1.6 MB
Installation notes

1. Download the archive for your platform.
2. Open the bean.jar archive. The archive includes the Acrobat Viewer acrobat.jar file, sample code, and documentation on how to incorporate Acrobat Viewer classes into Java-enabled applications..

Note: Adobe will not provide any technical support for the Acrobat Viewer.

The following public mailing list is available to discuss Acrobat Viewer classes in the JavaBean interface:

Category: Computers
Community: Java
Name: adobeacrobatviewer