Neural Network Based Clustering
using Self Organizing Map (SOM) in Excel

Here is a small tool in Excel using which you can find clusters in your data set. The tool uses Self Organizing Maps (SOM) - originally proposed by T.Kohonen as the method for clustering.

Inside the downloaded zip file, you will find the Excel file containing the application. Before running it, I suggest that you go through the ReadMe worksheet. It contains brief instructions on how to run the tool.

If you are interested in building Prediction and Classification models in Excel using Feedforward-Backpropagation Neural Network, here are two small Excel based tools for you. Also, if you are interested in Tree based Classification models, here is a Tree based classifier in Excel.

A bit of background on Clustering...

Clustering is a very popular and useful technique in data analysis / data mining. Suppose your data contain observations on individuals - for example, individuals could be -

  • Customers of a business,
  • Outlets of a retail chain of grocery stores,
  • Students of a University
  • measured on a large number of variables - for example
  • Customers - age, monthly expenditure, credit scores ...
  • Outlets - geographical location, sales, number of employees ...
  • Students - scores in different subjects
  • One very important and interesting problem regarding such data is to identify small number of groups of such individuals based on their similarity to each other. Why might one be doing such groupings? Typically for taking some actions on these groups and the actions that can be customized for different groups as opposed to the same action taken on all groups. For example
  • Design different promotional campaigns for different groups of customers.
  • Design different business strategies to promote sales in different groups of outlets.
  • Design different courses based on strengths and weaknesses of different groups of students.
  • There are many clustering algorithms available. SOM is one of them. SOM is an extensively researched area and it has been applied sucessfully on problems from various fields.

    Why SOM in Excel ?

    Guys who are extensively working on SOM would perhaps immediately recognize that SOM in Excel is not a very good idea. One reason for this is - SOM needs a lot of computing power. If you are really serious about solving a large real life problem with SOM - no way you are going to choose Excel as your vehicle. You need thousands of iterations to run, you need speed in computation, you need pretty sophisticated graphics to visualize the results of the analysis. In none of these fronts Excel will be able to compete favorably with other packages speficically writeen for SOM. More importantly - Excel is not meant for these things.

    The tool here is really a toy version of SOM. Severely restricted in speed and capability. So a better name for this tool would be, perhaps, A Poor Man's SOM .

    If you are new to SOM - just read or heard about it, know a bit about the algorithm - then here is a small toy to play with and get a feel about how it works.

    You have just started wondering where and how you can use SOM. You want to buy a commercial SOM software eventually but for now you want to have a feel of it and see what kind of features would be useful or nice to have. There would be quite a few freewares available on the web. You may find that they run on Unix systems and you don't have Unix. You may find stuff for windows but that may need a bit of work to install it, read through the help files, prepare your dataset in a special format etc. You wish there were some stuff less messy.

    You need to give a short quick presentation on SOM to your colleagues, students. You wish there were something small an easy to run with which you can run a quick demo.

    This tool comes in handy typically for such situations. As long as you have Excel (I naively assume you have, pardon me if you don't) you can download the tool and immediately start playing with it.

    I am sure there must be Excel tools freely available on the web doing SOM for you. Here is another one of them. It's upto you to choose. Since it's free - why not give it a try to see whether its any good.

      Some Nice Features of the Application ...