Latent Semantic Indexing
Web Site

LSI Contacts

Home Page: Michael W. Berry Susan Dumais
Phone: (865) 974-3838 (425) 936-8049
Mailing address: University of Tennessee
Department of Computer Science
203 Claxton Complex
Knoxville, TN 37996-3450
Microsoft Research
Decision Theory and
Adaptive Systems Group
One Microsoft Way
Redmond WA, 98052-6399
Fax: (865) 974 - 4404 (425) 936 - 7329

Souvenirs and E-Mail

LSI business cards

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UTK/CS Research funded by Grant Nos. 92-03004 and 94-11394 from the
NSF logo  National Science Foundation.

Related Meetings

CIR00 Logo
CIR00 Workshop

Oct. 22, 2000
Raleigh, NC

Text Mine '01
Text Mining Workshop

April 7, 2001
Chicago, IL

IMA Hot Topics Workshop
April 17-18, 2000 Minneapolis, MN
SIAM Activity Group on Linear Algebra

Text Mining 2002
Text Mining Workshop

April 13, 2002
Arlington, VA

Text Mining 2003
Text Mining Workshop

May 3, 2003 San Francisco, CA

accesses since January 6, 2002